Friday, May 4, 2012

Upload video on youtube

How to post video on youtube

Follow these instructionsto post video on youtube 1) Simply click the "YouTube" icon located on the far right of the toolbar above. 2) This will provide the opening and closing tags for your video. Now all you need is to find the YouTube video number and place it within the tags. 3) Now go to the YouTube page with your video. Look in the address bar at the top. You are looking for the web address. It should look something like this, which is the address for the video below. 4) Copy and paste the YouTube video number between the tags that were automatically generated. In the example above (and below), the YouTube video number is at the end. I shall highlight it in red below. 5) Your final result will look like this {YOUTUBE}xp1Q7VpEVRc{/YOUTUBE} 6) Now finish your post, you've embedded a YouTube video